
Linux zipinfo命令 - Linux备份压缩命令参数及用法手册

2019-09-17 阅读 :

Linux zipinfo命令用于列出压缩文件信息。



zipinfo [-12hlmMstTvz][压缩文件][文件...][-x <范本样式>]


  • -1 只列出文件名称。
  • -2 此参数的效果和指定"-1"参数类似,但可搭配"-h","-t"和"-z"参数使用。
  • -h 只列出压缩文件的文件名称。
  • -l 此参数的效果和指定"-m"参数类似,但会列出原始文件的大小而非每个文件的压缩率。
  • -m 此参数的效果和指定"-s"参数类似,但多会列出每个文件的压缩率。
  • -M 若信息内容超过一个画面,则采用类似more指令的方式列出信息。
  • -s 用类似执行"ls -l"指令的效果列出压缩文件内容。
  • -t 只列出压缩文件内所包含的文件数目,压缩前后的文件大小及压缩率。
  • -T 将压缩文件内每个文件的日期时间用年,月,日,时,分,秒的顺序列出。
  • -v 详细显示压缩文件内每一个文件的信息。
  • -x<范本样式> 不列出符合条件的文件的信息。
  • -z 如果压缩文件内含有注释,就将注释显示出来。



[ a]# zipinfo Archive:  486 bytes  4 files-rw-r--r-- 2.3 unx    0 bx stor 24-May-10 18:54 a.c-rw-r--r-- 2.3 unx    0 bx stor 24-May-10 18:54 b.c-rw-r--r-- 2.3 unx    0 bx stor 24-May-10 18:54 c.c-rw-r--r-- 2.3 unx    0 bx stor 24-May-10 18:54 e.c4 files, 0 bytes uncompressed, 0 bytes compressed: 0.0%[ a]# 


[ a]# zipinfo -v Archive:  486 bytes  4 filesEnd-of-central-directory record:------------------------------- Actual offset of end-of-central-dir record:     464 (000001D0h) Expected offset of end-of-central-dir record:    464 (000001D0h) (based on the length of the central directory and its expected offset) This zipfile constitutes the sole disk of a single-part archive; its central directory contains 4 entries. The central directory is 248 (000000F8h) bytes long, and its (expected) offset in bytes from the beginning of the zipfile is 216 (000000D8h). There is no zipfile comment.Central directory entry #1:--------------------------- a.c offset of local header from start of archive:   0 (00000000h) bytes file system or operating system of origin:    Unix version of encoding software:           2.3 minimum file system compatibility required:    MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT minimum software version required to extract:   1.0 compression method:                none (stored) file security status:               not encrypted extended local header:              no file last modified on (DOS date/time):      2010 May 24 18:54:26 file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 18:54:26 local file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 10:54:26 UTC 32-bit CRC value (hex):              00000000 compressed size:                 0 bytes uncompressed size:                0 bytes length of filename:                3 characters length of extra field:              13 bytes length of file comment:              0 characters disk number on which file begins:         disk 1 apparent file type:                binary Unix file attributes (100644 octal):       -rw-r--r-- MS-DOS file attributes (00 hex):         none The central-directory extra field contains: - A subfield with ID 0x5455 (universal time) and 5 data bytes.  The local extra field has UTC/GMT modification/access times. - A subfield with ID 0x7855 (Unix UID/GID) and 0 data bytes. There is no file comment.Central directory entry #2:--------------------------- b.c offset of local header from start of archive:   54 (00000036h) bytes file system or operating system of origin:    Unix version of encoding software:           2.3 minimum file system compatibility required:    MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT minimum software version required to extract:   1.0 compression method:                none (stored) file security status:               not encrypted extended local header:              no file last modified on (DOS date/time):      2010 May 24 18:54:26 file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 18:54:26 local file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 10:54:26 UTC 32-bit CRC value (hex):              00000000 compressed size:                 0 bytes uncompressed size:                0 bytes length of filename:                3 characters length of extra field:              13 bytes length of file comment:              0 characters disk number on which file begins:         disk 1 apparent file type:                binary Unix file attributes (100644 octal):       -rw-r--r-- MS-DOS file attributes (00 hex):         none The central-directory extra field contains: - A subfield with ID 0x5455 (universal time) and 5 data bytes.  The local extra field has UTC/GMT modification/access times. - A subfield with ID 0x7855 (Unix UID/GID) and 0 data bytes. There is no file comment.Central directory entry #3:--------------------------- c.c offset of local header from start of archive:   108 (0000006Ch) bytes file system or operating system of origin:    Unix version of encoding software:           2.3 minimum file system compatibility required:    MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT minimum software version required to extract:   1.0 compression method:                none (stored) file security status:               not encrypted extended local header:              no file last modified on (DOS date/time):      2010 May 24 18:54:26 file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 18:54:26 local file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 10:54:26 UTC 32-bit CRC value (hex):              00000000 compressed size:                 0 bytes uncompressed size:                0 bytes length of filename:                3 characters length of extra field:              13 bytes length of file comment:              0 characters disk number on which file begins:         disk 1 apparent file type:                binary Unix file attributes (100644 octal):       -rw-r--r-- MS-DOS file attributes (00 hex):         none The central-directory extra field contains: - A subfield with ID 0x5455 (universal time) and 5 data bytes.  The local extra field has UTC/GMT modification/access times. - A subfield with ID 0x7855 (Unix UID/GID) and 0 data bytes. There is no file comment.Central directory entry #4:--------------------------- e.c offset of local header from start of archive:   162 (000000A2h) bytes file system or operating system of origin:    Unix version of encoding software:           2.3 minimum file system compatibility required:    MS-DOS, OS/2 or NT FAT minimum software version required to extract:   1.0 compression method:                none (stored) file security status:               not encrypted extended local header:              no file last modified on (DOS date/time):      2010 May 24 18:54:26 file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 18:54:26 local file last modified on (UT extra field modtime):  2010 May 24 10:54:26 UTC 32-bit CRC value (hex):              00000000 compressed size:                 0 bytes uncompressed size:                0 bytes length of filename:                3 characters length of extra field:              13 bytes length of file comment:              0 characters disk number on which file begins:         disk 1 apparent file type:                binary Unix file attributes (100644 octal):       -rw-r--r-- MS-DOS file attributes (00 hex):         none The central-directory extra field contains: - A subfield with ID 0x5455 (universal time) and 5 data bytes.  The local extra field has UTC/GMT modification/access times. - A subfield with ID 0x7855 (Unix UID/GID) and 0 data bytes. There is no file comment.

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本文标题:Linux zipinfo命令 - Linux备份压缩命令参数及用法手册 - 服务器教程_服务器技术_服务器知识_vps教程


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