
Linux fold命令 - Linux文档编辑命令大全

2019-09-13 阅读 :

Linux fold命令用于限制文件列宽。



fold [-bs][-w<每列行数>][--help][--version][文件...]


  • -b或--bytes 以Byte为单位计算列宽,而非采用行数编号为单位。
  • -s或--spaces 以空格字符作为换列点。
  • -w<每列行数>或--width<每列行数> 设置每列的最大行数。
  • --help 在线帮助。
  • --version 显示版本信息。


将一个名为testfile 的文件的行折叠成宽度为30,可使用如下命令:

fold -w 30 testfile


$ cat testfile #查看testfile 中的内容  Linux networks are becoming more and more common, but security is often an overlooked  issue. Unfortunately, in today’s environment all networks are potential hacker targets,  from top-secret military research networks to small home LANs.  Linux Network Security focuses on securing Linux in a networked environment, where the  security of the entire network needs to be considered rather than just isolated machines.  It uses a mix of theory and practical techniques to teach administrators how to install and  use security applications, as well as how the applications work and why they are necessary. 


$ fold -w 30 testfile #行折叠成宽度为30,显示testfile 文件  Linux networks are becoming mo  re and more common, but securi  ty is often an overlooked issu  e. Unfortunately, in today’s  environment all networks are  potential hacker targets, from  top-secret military research  networks to small home LANs.  Linux Network Security focuses  on securing Linux in a networ  ked environment, where the sec  urity of the entire network ne  eds to be considered rather th  an just isolated machines. It  uses a mix of theory and pract  ical techniques to teach admin  istrators how to install and u  se security applications, as w  ell as how the applications wo  rk and why they are necessary 

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本文标题:Linux fold命令 - Linux文档编辑命令大全 - 服务器教程_服务器技术_服务器知识_vps教程


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